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The Tastie community is a change in how we view and use recruitment in hospitality, we want to use our knowledge, experiences and relationships to help make our industry stronger.


Tastie exists to find, support and place passionate, skilled candidates like you in the RIGHT role. Matching you with the perfect role will allow you to grow both personally and professionally, and at the right stages of your career – so you benefit, your skills develop, and you’re set on the right path to achieve your goals.  Here’s how we do it:

  • We have a bank of positions throughout the hospitality sector for candidates
  • We offer a personalised service and will speak to every candidate to ensure that we understand what your skills and aspirations are
  • We manage expectations – we are honest when it comes to role requirements, the positions that are available, and anticipated timescales
  • We only accept candidates who we can place in a role that is truly right for them
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A great business is built on its people. If you have a team of like-minded individuals then your business has the ingredients for success.

  • We only recruit for the long term and look to build teams, not just provide staff
  • We will be in constant communication with you and your team to make sure you have the superstars you need 
  • From this community we understand the talent and career paths that individuals are looking for, as well as the needs of individual establishments
  • We understand the skill sets needed and where the gaps are in the industry. We can also work to upskill existing teams as well as attracting potential candidates with the right skills into the sector
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